
In order to maintain effective work‐based learning programs in Tuloso-Midway Independent School District, the following administrative regulations have been developed. It is essential that students, parents, teachers, and employers/supervisors understand these regulations. Although the work‐based learning teacher is responsible for maintaining the daily enforcement of campus rules and regulations, the principal on each campus makes the final interpretation should a question arise. Each campus is responsible for establishing any rules that may be needed as long as they are in compliance with District Administrative Regulations EHBF(R).


A student must be a minimum of 16 years old to enroll in a work‐based learning course, including Career Preparations I or II and any Practicum course. A student enrolled in any paid learning experience must hold valid work documentation, such as a Social Security card.


Career Preparation each course must consist of student participation in career preparation training appropriate to the instructional program plus participation in related CTE classroom instruction. The course should span the entire school year, and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for every school week. A student is expected to be enrolled the entire school year; however, in accordance with local district policy, a student may enter or exit the course when extenuating circumstances require such a change.

Practicum Courses and other two or three‐credit CTE courses found in (TAC Chapter 130 may be used as laboratory‐based, paid, or unpaid work experiences for students and classroom instruction must average one class period each day for every school week. Each practicum course using work‐based learning instructional arrangement must consist of student participation in training appropriate to the student’s coherent sequence of courses plus participation in related CTE classroom instruction. A practicum course spans the entire year. A student is expected to be enrolled the entire year: however, in accordance with local district policy, a student may enter or exit the course when extenuating circumstances require such a change.


The work‐based learning teacher will be primarily responsible for the placement of unpaid practicum students at a training site. The teacher shall make visits to all sites ensuring that each placement is appropriate for students and meet the required training site visit rules. Career Preparations, the student is responsible for attaining employment by the first day of school.


In order for a student to earn credit, students, work‐based learning teachers, and employers/training supervisors must cooperatively complete an approved training plan for each student within 15 instructional days of the student’s employment. The individual student’s training plan shall contain the occupational essential knowledge and skills to be addressed both in the classroom and during work‐based instruction. Only students participating in an unpaid Practicum experience for which the teacher of record provides all training may be exempt from completing training plans.


Students participating in a paid learning experience, while enrolled in a Career Preparation or Practicum course, must work a minimum average number of hours each week to earn credit. Students earning 2.0 credits must average 10 hours per week of work‐based instruction, and those earning 3.0 credits must average 15 hours per week. Career preparation students unemployed for more than 15 consecutive school days are not eligible for contact hours. Students in Practicum paid learning experiences unemployed for more than 15 consecutive school days must be moved to an unpaid learning experience. Work‐based learning teachers shall be notified of and approve any employment changes.


Students must meet the average minimum number of hours per week based on credit received. State guidelines do not establish a maximum number of hours a student may work. However, employers/training supervisors are encouraged to keep student work schedules under 25 hours per week, understanding that these workers are high school students with many other educational and curricular commitments.


Transportation to and from the training site shall be the responsibility of the student and/or the parent or guardian. SCHOOL Work‐based learning teachers must visit each student’s training site at least SUPERVISION once every six weeks, and one visit must occur during each grading period.


Students shall be expected to maintain acceptable scholarship and conduct in the classroom and at the work site.

  1. Scholarship Work‐based learning students shall be expected to pass all courses with:
    • 70 average or above.
    • A work‐based learning student who continues for more than nine weeks with failing grades in two or more courses may be placed on immediate probation with possible removal from the program and subsequent loss of credit for the course.
  2. Participant Conduct
    • Participants must uphold all policies, rules and regulations of the Campus, the District and the employer at all times.
    • A work‐based learning student who continues to violate rules and regulations may be
      • placed on immediate probation with possible
      • removed from the program and subsequent loss of credit for the course. 


Student attendance in school shall be required, regardless of work schedule. A student who is absent from school shall not be eligible to participate in work‐ based instruction on the day of the absence. It shall be the responsibility of the student to notify the work‐based learning teacher and the employer/training supervisor in advance of a necessary absence or tardy to either school or work site. Students that participate in work‐based instruction on days in which they were counted absent from school without teacher approval shall receive a grade of zero for that day.


A student may be subject to removal from the program with subsequent loss of credit for any of the following:

  1. Student is dismissed from the training site for “just cause.”
  2. Student displays an uncooperative attitude toward District staff or employers/training supervisors.
  3. Student has frequent absenteeism, and/or tardiness from school or the training site.
  4. Student is unemployed for more than 15 consecutive school days.
  5. Student fails to abide by policies, rules, and regulations of the campus, District and/or the training site.
  6. Student fails two or more courses for more than 6 weeks.