Child Find
Tuloso Midway Independent School District provides for a free and appropriate public education for all children with disabilities in a variety of specially designed programs. TMISD is responsible for identifying, locating, and evaluating any child with known or suspected disabilities to determine whether a need for special education and related services exist. This mandate also applies to any child currently attending a private school in the TMISD area or homeschooled.
Special education and related services are available for persons, ages 3-21 inclusive, who have disabilities in the following areas:
- autism
- deaf-blindness
- auditory impairment
- intellectual disabilities
- multiple disabilities
- orthopedic impairment
- other health impairment
- emotional disability
- specific learning disability
- speech or language impairment
- traumatic brain injury
- and visual impairment.
Services for students with an auditory or visual impairment may begin at birth. Programs for preschool-aged children with disabilities are also available.
If you are aware of a child who may need additional support, please complete the appropriate form below:
Early Childhood Child Find
School-Age Child Find
If you have any questions, please contact Genevieve Buckert, Director of Special Education & 504 Program